Friday, April 19, 2013

Skepticism Around Google Keep

What's Google keep
Google keep is a new note taking application from google which is pretty cool and feature rich. It is just out and will sure be much better in a couple of iterations. It is a highly anticipated and looked forward to product. There was a storm of blogs as soon as it was released, some appreciating, some criticizing while more comparing it with other products like evernote and microsoft note

Why Google keep is Good
Google is more careful with security and privacy than any other smaller company
Feature richness is vital which google will meet and beat shortly in a couple of iterations

Invalid Skepticism around google keep
A lot of blogs have shown insights into why google keep might not be a good idea to try, pointing the recent clean up of product line that google has done recently. But, what one needs to remember is google has always provided ways to export data. They give almost six months to one year of notice before they discontinue any service. They also provide ways to export data to a newer product(google notebooks to google drive) or to multiple 3rd party applications. We dont not want to be stuck in old products when technology is pushing the limits everyday. Change is inevitable and needs to be embraced when it is for good. I do not see any reason to worry if google will keep google keep or not

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